Zoosk and the Global Dating Scene | Connecting Singles across Borders and Cultures

Dating apps connecting people around the world

Maybe you’ve heard the story. Two people are visiting a small town in Alaska. I’m talking really small. Like they’re the only two in their age group. One is there for school. The other for work.

Around the same time on the same day, they open Tinder and set their proximity to fifty miles–because why not?

Alaska is huge. A person pops up. Not their usual type. Moderately attractive, so why not? They each swipe right, which on Tinder, means they like each other. And suddenly, their phone bings! It’s a match! And what’s this? They’re only two miles away. This must be fate. Except it’s not. 

It’s the algorithm of an app that encourages matches based on proximity. Not only is this one of the reasons Tinder has garnered a reputation as a hookup app but according to a 2018 survey conducted by SimpleTexting, the average Tinder user exchanges around 10 messages before meeting up with a match.

The survey also found that 80% of Tinder users expect to meet up with their match within a week of first talking. Sure, this is great if you prefer ripping off the bandaid and just getting to the point. However, some people like getting to know a stranger before they meet in person. 

Understanding another person’s expectations and interests can make a break whether or not you want to meet up with them during your free time or, like the couple in Alaska, if it’s worth putting your winter clothes back on and risking frostbite by walking to the bar up the street. 

So what’s the solution? Enter Zoosk, a dating app that prioritizes communication regardless of proximity and looks beyond cultural or language differences to foster genuine connections. Because when an ocean sits between you, this person is likely looking for more than just a hookup.

Zoosk and the Evolution of Online Dating

Zoosk is an online dating platform that connects people from all over the world, regardless of their cultural background or geographical location. The platform offers a range of features that make it easy for users to connect with people across borders and cultures.

Founded in 2007 by Alex Mehr and Shayan Zadeh, Zoosk initially started as a Facebook application, offering users an accessible way to meet new people online. Over time, Zoosk has evolved into a standalone dating app with over 40 million members in more than 80 countries.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to use a robot to find love? Zoosk was one of the first dating apps to use a behavioral matchmaking system, which analyzes user behavior to identify patterns.

This means you won’t have to sort through every match, questioning if they have an obsession with peanuts while you have a fatal allergy to nuts. Zoosk’s matchmaking system considers a wide range of factors, such as users’ browsing history, profile views, and message activity, to provide you with more personalized and relevant matches.

Not only does this take the hard work out of dating, but it also makes your interactions more enjoyable. No one wants to have to defend why they have three cats to a person who thinks cats are spawns of Satan. Zoosk’s system matches you with people who share your interests and priorities.

Over the years, Zoosk has undergone several redesigns, with each iteration becoming more intuitive and user-friendly. A video dating feature allows users to connect face-to-face before meeting in person.

This feature not only became essential during the COVID-19 pandemic but also helps verify that the person you’re talking to actually looks like their photo. This, combined with their photo verification tool, helps prevent fake profiles. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. Catfishing is a term for a reason!

Most notably–and uniquely–Zoosk has impacted the online dating landscape by making online dating more accessible to a broader range of people. Unlike apps like Tinder that depend on proximity to elicit potential matches, Zoosk encourages users to interact with people in other cultures and countries.

The app is available in over 25 languages and promotes diversity and inclusivity. Users can not only select their preferred pronouns but are given a wide range of options to choose from for gender and sexual orientation.

Behavioral Matchmaking Technology 

Unlike other dating apps that focus solely on your location or the physical appearance of a potential match, Zoosk uses a sophisticated algorithm to match users based on a variety of factors, setting it apart from other dating apps.

The behavioral matchmaking technology Zoosk uses is a system that analyzes the actions users take on the app to determine their preferences and interests. You essentially have a magic genie on your app clarifying your desires without even having to utter one word. The analyzing system studies user behavior by looking at profiles they view, the messages they send, and the people they interact with. By analyzing this data, Zoosk creates a profile of qualities each user would prefer, cultivating more accurate matches tailored to each user’s preferences.

By using artificial intelligence (AI) to advance its matching program, Zoosk’s algorithm is constantly learning and evolving based on your unique behavior as a user on the app. In other words, the more you use the app, the clearer and more defined your matches will become. This approach to matching has led to a higher success rate for Zoosk users compared to other dating apps. You have a private robot getting to know you and what you like–and the good news? You won’t have to worry about them becoming sentient and taking over your house. 

artificial intelligence

Zoosk also takes into account users’ interests and hobbies when matching them with potential partners. Users can fill out a profile that includes information about their favorite activities, music, and movies. I don’t know about you, but I’ve recently discovered that not everyone enjoys watching Hereditary on a date. It’s seriously not that scary. So would I prefer someone who could handle scary movies over watching repeats of Letterkenny? Yes, please. 

The algorithm then uses this information to match users with others who share similar interests. This approach to matching is particularly effective for people like me who have specific interests they’d rather not sacrifice. If you’ve been single as long as I have, you’ve probably learned that there are just some things (like your three cats) that you’re not willing to give up.

“SmartPick,” another Zoosk feature, is a combination of behavioral matchmaking and machine learning that suggests profiles deemed as potential quality matches to users. This means that SmartPick will present you with a list of profiles that Zoosk’s algorithm thinks you will be interested in. All based on your past behavior on the app.

Think about it. Compared to apps like Tinder, this is kind of cool. How many times have you swiped on someone because of their pretty face, only to find out that they worship the sun as their source of food?

It happens, folks. Zoosk’s SmarkPick feature takes the guesswork out of finding matches by connecting you with people you’ll have more in common with than just an attraction to their tan and biceps. 

Zoosk also takes into account users’ location and distance preferences. Users can set their preferred distance radius, and Zoosk will only show them matches that fall within that range.

This feature is particularly handy for users looking for someone who lives nearby and who they can meet in person. Still, it also allows you the option of taking a metaphorical trip overseas if that’s your preference.

Commitment to User Safety and Privacy

Online dating can be a great way to meet new people and find meaningful connections, but it’s crucial to prioritize safety and privacy in the process. That’s why it’s important to choose dating apps that offer a range of features and policies that are aimed at protecting their users, and Zoosk is definitely one of them.

Zoosk has an in-depth verification process to ensure an added level of safety and privacy. When users sign up for Zoosk, they are required to verify their account via email or Facebook. This helps to ensure that users are who they say they are and prevents fake profiles or fraudulent activity that can lead to catfishing and scams.

Zoosk also offers a photo verification feature, which allows users to submit a selfie to confirm that their profile picture is accurate. This reduces the likelihood of fake profiles and ensures that users can trust the people they are connecting with.

A team of moderators works to ensure that Zoosk offers a safe and welcoming place for all users regardless of sexual orientation, culture, race, or background. The team reviews reports of inappropriate behavior or content and takes action to remove offending profiles, messages, or users. Zoosk also has a strict policy against harassment, hate speech, and other types of abusive behavior.

Users can also hide their profile from certain people, such as their coworkers, friends, or enemies, ensuring an added level of privacy other dating apps don’t offer.

Once upon a time, a guy sued me, found me on Tinder years later, screenshotted my Tinder profile, texted it to me (because there was no way I was going to swipe right on him), and then proceeded to ask me out. And what did he sue me for, you ask? Damages to his car from when he hit my dog. I wish I was joking. 

In Times like that, an extra layer of privacy would have been nice. 

Diversity and Inclusivity

Zoosk is an online dating platform that values diversity and inclusivity in its user base. The company believes everyone deserves the chance to find love, regardless of their background or identity. To promote these values, Zoosk takes various measures to create a more welcoming and accepting online dating environment.

Zoosk allows users to identify their gender identity and sexual orientation by offering a range of options to choose from, including non-binary and queer identities. This allows users to express themselves in a way that feels most authentic to them.

By partnering with organizations like GLAAD, an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, Zoosk seeks to promote greater awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues and support marginalized communities. 

Zoosk encourages cultural diversity by connecting singles across borders. Proximity is no longer a limiting factor. By allowing people to communicate with users from other countries and regions, Zoosk has become an international dating platform that now operates in over 80 countries and has a diverse user base of people from various backgrounds and cultures. 

When you create a Zoosk account, you can set your location preferences to include other countries and regions, allowing you to connect with people from around the world. 

How Zoosk Stands Out from the Rest

So what makes Zoosk different from other dating apps? Here are a few key features that set the app apart.

  1. Translation tools: One of the biggest challenges of dating across borders and in different cultures is the language barrier. Zoosk addresses this challenge by providing built-in translation tools that allow users to communicate with potential matches in their own language. Proximity can’t hold you back, and now neither can a different language. 
  2. Advanced search filters: Zoosk offers advanced search filters that allow users to narrow their search for potential matches based on specific criteria, such as location, age, interests, and more. This can be particularly helpful for people looking for a partner from a specific country or culture.
  3. Video dating: Video dating allows users to connect with potential matches through short video clips, which can help them get a better sense of who the other person is and whether there’s a spark brewing. You can also send virtual gifts to tell your partner you’re thinking of them even when you’re not on a call.
  4. Personalized Insights: Zoosk offers users personalized insights into their dating behavior and preferences. This includes information on how many people have viewed their profile, how many messages they’ve sent and received, and which types of people they tend to match with. This information can help users refine their dating strategy and increase their chances of finding a meaningful connection.

Of course, like any dating app, Zoosk has its pros and cons when it comes to connecting singles globally. Some potential drawbacks to keep in mind:

  1. Limited user base in some countries: While Zoosk has a large and diverse user base, there may be some countries where the app is less prevalent or where there are fewer potential matches available.
  2. Cultural difference: When dating people from different countries, it’s essential to be mindful of cultural differences and potential communication challenges. Zoosk’s translation tools and video dating features can be helpful, but they may not always be enough to bridge these gaps.
  3. Time differences: Depending on where you and your potential matches are located, time differences can be a challenge with scheduling dates and sending messages. 

Despite these potential challenges, Zoosk offers a unique and exciting opportunity to connect with singles from all over the world in a safe, secure environment that verifies profiles, encourages inclusivity, and gives you a personal AI robot to help you pick your next match. Whether you’re looking for a long-term partner, a casual fling, or simply someone new to chat with, the app’s global reach and innovative features make it an excellent option for anyone looking to explore the international dating scene.

One Last Thing

If you’re still unsure, check out this Zoosk review on what it’s like using the app. Still, seem too good to be true? You’re probably wondering how much it costs to have a private robot pick your next partner. We’ve got you covered.

With any dating app, make sure you’re honest about what you’re looking for, how many cats you own, and that strange quirk you have about sleeping with your eyes open. And if you only eat pasta and butter, don’t be afraid to admit it! It will save you a lot of time when your date takes you to a Thai restaurant and orders the spiciest thing on the menu. 

Matt Marino
Matt Marino

Matt Marino is an online content writer for DatingApps.com, specializing in trending blogs and dating app reviews. He is a graduate of Geneva College with a Bachelor of the Arts in Communications.