Dating Tips

The Impact of Student Loan Debt on Millennial Dating and Relationships

Dating Couple Holding Hands - Student Loan Debt Coin Jar with Piggy Bank

For most millennials, student loan debt is just a part of their lives and a defining one at that. As this generation moves into post-college adulthood, it doesn’t just affect their finances! It also has a big influence on dating, romantic relationships, and any plans for the future. Millennials are grappling with record levels of

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Finding Love Across Party Lines | Can Opposites Really Attract in Election Season?

man looking at phone with heart graphic and repbulican vs democrat icon

They say opposites attract, which is no doubt true in some romantic scenarios. But when it comes to politics, hoo boy, that is a completely different animal—especially in the current political climate. And as the already fraught political tenor revs up with the upcoming November election, the world of dating becomes even more tension-filled. The

Finding Love Across Party Lines | Can Opposites Really Attract in Election Season? Read More »