Whether the prospect of online dating apps fills you with dread or excitement, it’s in your best interest to create the most compelling dating app profile you can.
I would say that my dating app profiles are immaculate, but after researching this topic, I can see now that I’ve made some profile faux pas. And we will make sure that you learn from my mistakes and tell you how to create an attractive dating app profile that will attract attention.
It isn’t easy to sum up one’s entire identity in a few hundred words and a handful of images. eStudies (yes, there really is scientific research) have discovered the secrets of what makes a good dating app profile.
What Makes a Great Profile
While it’s true that attractive dating app profile pictures increase your online dating app success rate, your bio, questions, and replies can easily erase any benefits your photographs might otherwise deliver.
Making your profile stand out from the others on a dating app is all about presentation. You can stand out from the crowd by updating your worst picture and adding interesting stuff to your dating app profile.
It’s a combo deal, and there are a lot of factors that go into making it the complete package, which we are going to talk about step by step. Keep reading for tips on how to make a banging online dating profile!
Dating App Profile Photos
Remember, you can’t always see what’s going on in great detail when you go to a concert. Even if you get seats close-up to the stage, the crowds can be distracting, or one especially tall person can ruin your experience. You’re likely to end up watching what’s happening on the provided screen, even when you’re there in person. It’s a similar thing with your profile so make sure you are using the right photos.
Photo Tips
- Never, ever, upload the selfie you took of yourself. The main profile picture ought to have been taken by a friend. This may seem trivial, but the fact that your friends care enough to take the time to do so speaks volumes. Subtly but significantly, it shows you have social clout.
- Be sure to use a recent photo; people want to see the current you, not the 10-years-ago you.
- Try not to pose, and under no circumstances do the duckface.
- Attach your Instagram account if the dating app allows access so people can get a gander at your everyday life.
- Upload as many photos as the dating app allows to showcase versatility.
- Do you have pictures of you with dogs? Always use those.
The Dating App Profile
You’ve only got a limited number of sentences, so make them count. Write a brief yet descriptive opening statement about yourself for your online dating profile. Steer clear of clichés like “I love to travel” or “I adore the outdoors.” Instead of talking about a general topic, like what you like to do in your spare time or your favorite movie, try talking about something more unique to you.
Including a quote or line from a poem that is meaningful to you and why it expresses your personality in your online dating profile can give potential matches a glimpse into who you really are as a person. Also, it makes it simpler for potential suitors to start conversations with you about that topic!
Online daters commonly make the mistake of highlighting their most deal-breaking characteristics in the written section of their profile. Those individuals come across as jaded, skeptical, and wounded if they list multiple negative responses.
If you say you don’t want to date cheaters, liars, or childish types, for example, it suggests you have dated all of those types before and will likely continue to date them in the future.
You should obviously stay away from dating these kinds of people, but there’s a diplomatic way to say as much, so you don’t seem super negative right off the bat.
Try a more positive approach and list the characteristics you are looking for instead. As they say, “You catch more bees with honey” (remember, no cliches, so don’t use that in your profile).

Instead of saying, “I’m searching for someone who is not like my ex,” you may say something like, “I’m looking for someone who is professional, respects others by showing up on time, is responsible, etc.”
There may be a constraint on the number of characters you may use to introduce yourself, but you should make the most of the opportunity you have to do so. This is where dating apps that allow you to write photo captions come in handy.
If you have to use a group shot (please don’t), this allows you to identify which one you are. It’s also helpful to add who the other people are: friends, sisters, brothers, etc. It can also assure potential dates that a person in a photo with you is not a significant other.
Another no-no is when people don’t give enough detail about their interests. People’s profiles usually consist of extremely general statements like “I love going on adventures” or “I adore Indian food,” for example. First of all, who doesn’t enjoy going on vacation and eating delicious fare?
Show Emotional Availability
Ok, here is where the scientific research comes into the picture. Two social psychologists, Stephanie Spielmann and Geoff MacDonald, researched whether a person’s physical beauty or emotional availability would be more appealing to potential dates.
The study showed that “when given the choice between a sexy but emotionally unavailable person and someone who is less attractive but appears caring and emotionally responsive, both men and women tended to choose the more emotionally available person.”
So, how do you demonstrate your emotional availability? Apparently, it’s pretty simple to do it in a few words.
⠀⠀⠀❌ Phrases like “I am extremely motivated, career-focused, and eager to do whatever it takes to achieve” are insensitive and should be avoided.
⠀⠀⠀✔️ Use statements like “I’m seeking a partner who shares my love of music and socializing” or “I adore traveling to music festivals and would want to meet someone who feels the same way.”
And the most important advice we can give is to be honest about who you are in your profile. Be truthful if you want low-commitment relationships; otherwise, you’ll end up with dates that have higher expectations of you than you can meet.