Self Improvement Articles

Finding Love by Loving Yourself | The Importance of Self-Worth in the Dating Scene

Self love and online dating

There‘s a good chance you are familiar with the saying, “Before you can truly love someone else, you must first love yourself.” Whether you heard it in a movie, read it in a self-help book, from your therapist, or your mom doesn’t matter; although it’s cliche and maybe a tad overused, it doesn’t make it

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14 Ways to Be the Bigger Person

Woman extending olive branch in relationship

Being the bigger person isn’t easy, especially in a marriage. Sometimes, you may feel justified in your emotions, but being right doesn’t necessarily make for a happy marriage. Then there are times when you feel you should keep your mouth shut to avoid conflict. But, unfortunately, that’s not always good because often, the hurt lies

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How to Be Confident in Your Relationship | 9 Tips to Becoming Your Best Self

Woman embracing herself and showing confidence.

Sometimes, we get into a relationship, and, for one reason or another, we become insecure. If you have a pattern of insecurity in relationships, you may feel tempted to blame it on your partner or a previous relationship.  Also, if you were raised in an environment that fostered insecurity, it might be challenging to build

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